As a visitor, please know that you are an honored guest in our midst. Please sign the register in the narthex and join us for a few moments of fellowship following the service. If you have any comments or questions regarding the service or any other matter, feel free to express them to the pastor. Should you be in need of any pastoral service, please do not hesitate to bring it to the pastor’s attention. We are here to serve you as our Savior served us.
We welcome and encourage the attendance of small children in our worship services. We also understand that children will behave as the children they are. They find it impossible to sit as still as adults, and they sometimes speak at inappropriate places in the service. That is to be expected. However, children can sometimes cause a commotion which, if allowed to continue on, can be a detriment to the worship of others. We ask that you be sensitive to those times when your child’s behavior calls for their brief removal from the worship area. A cry room is provided for those times.