How should I dress?
Come as you are. We hope you will find a comfortable environment where you can be yourself. No matter if you are in jeans or business casual, you will find people dressed like you at Redeemer Lutheran. Take a look around. There are married couples, singles, young people, older people, professionals, laborers, stay-at-home moms – each with a unique life story, just like you. Come and check things out on your terms.
What will be expected of me?
Feel free to be as anonymous as you want and visit as often as you like. We hope you will attend more than once so you can get a feel for Redeemer Lutheran. As our guest, the only request we have is you please fill out the guest book at the welcome desk or the red attendance folder located under the seat in front of you, nearest the center aisle. This will provide us with a record of your visit and add you to our mailing list. It will also provide you with a way to communicate with our staff if there are any needs in your life.
What are the services like?
Our services are held on Sunday mornings at 8:00 am and 10:30 am with the later service being live-streamed. Services usually last around 1 hour. We have a rotating service style (listed below) with communion offered at both services on the first, third and fifth Sundays. The communion policy can be seen below.
- First Sunday – Divine Service I (Communion)
- Second Sunday – Contemporary Service
- Third Sunday – Divine Service III (Communion)
- Fourth Sunday – Matins
- Fifth Sunday-Divine Service IV (Communion)
Services can be followed using the screens located at the front of the church with printed bulletins also available.
We have an offering plate available before you enter the sanctuary, but please do not feel obligated to give an offering. You are a guest at Redeemer Lutheran and we have no expectation that guests give an offering. Most of our members use online giving so you will notice very few people placing offerings in the offering plate.
Communion Policy
Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. I Corinthians 11:27-29
From these words which were written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we recognize that the sacrament which God intends for blessing can be harmful if not properly approved. For that reason, we ask all who desire to come to the Lord’s Table to examine themselves on the basis of these questions:
- Do I believe that Jesus Christ is my only savior from sin, satan, and death?
- Do I believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the sacrament and that with the bread and wine I receive His true body and blood?
- Do I repent of my sins and desire the help of the Holy Spirit to live a life according to God’s will, dedicating my life to my Lord and Savior by regular worship, Christian service and living?
If you are able to respond to each of these questions with an unqualified yes, you are welcome to commune with us. If not, you are encouraged to refrain until you have had an opportunity to speak with the pastor.
All members of denominations not in fellowship with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are asked to speak with the pastor prior to communing. This is not given in a spirit of “exclusivism”, but out of Christian love and concern. Thank you.